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Rear casing for agricultural machinery

Design for manufacture unlocks solution for rear casing on market leading mower system

Cut, folded and welded sheet metal part for agricultural product

McConnel Ltd, wanted to source a cost effective and durable solution for a rear casing for their agricultural machinery. The rear casing formed part of a market leading remote controlled mower system. They were seeking a new solution due to supply and performance issues with the original composite part.

Unifabs’ experienced in-house design team reviewed the designs and, after closely consulting with the customer, altered the makeup of the part to allow for cost-effective and repeatable manufacturing.

Two operators were initially required to fold and form the complex part. Following the design review, we reduced it to just one operator. Due to the complexity of the folding process, we added break-off tabs to aid the operator and speed up folding. To ensure repeatable consistency, jigs were designed for integration with the robot welder, allowing for the part to be fully welded via the robot. A prototype was produced and a further opportunity to remove a visible weld was identified. 

Unifabs were able to successfully replicate the composite product in a cost-effective manner producing a much more durable casing, and ultimately enhancing the end-product. 

Utilising jigs and robotic welding, we were able to transform the end product and solve supply and performance issues for our customer.

Project Manager

Car panel storage stillages

Key facts

  • Led to further orders for a new model
  • Design for manufacture service
  • Robotic welding solution
  • Prototyping benefits
  • Successful replication of product
  • Solution

    Design for Manufacture

  • Service

    CNC Metal Bending

  • Service

    CNC Laser Cutting

  • Service

    Robotic Welding

Design to delivery, adding value at every stage

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